Over the course of the last several years, we have been reducing the plastic in our bottles and caps. This is achieved by making our packaging lighter and more environmentally friendly, particularly, the bottles.
Nestlé Waters Lebanon provides consumers of all ages with a variety of healthful, on-the-go water options to enjoy at any time of the day. The safety and quality of our bottled water products are our top priorities. We regularly conduct tests on all of our bottles and our water for safety, quality and performance.
Water Source Identification: Nestlé Waters Lebanon identifies water sources on its bottle labels and/or online.
Bottled water products undergo microfiltration, and UV disinfection to assure food safety. Bottled water products from each Nestlé Waters Lebanon bottling line are tested 70 times per day to ensure quality.
Easy Consumer Access to Information: Consumer questions and comments can be directed to our Customer Care number, which is listed on the label of each bottle.
Storage and Handling
To maintain the high quality of our bottled water products, we recommend people store all of our products in a cool, clean, or shaded location, as they would any other packaged food product.
Food Packaging Safety & Regulation
We use packaging that fits into the lifestyles of today’s busy consumers and is considered safe by regulatory and public health agencies. We evaluate new packaging materials and make changes to our products when we believe there is a clear environmental, health and/or economic benefit.
The Lebanese ministry of Public Health is responsible for overseeing the safety of bottled water, which, like other food products such as infant formula and seafood, must be processed, packaged, shipped and stored in a safe and sanitary manner, and be truthfully and accurately labeled. Bottled water is one of the most regulated food products, with FDA and LIBNOR protocols specific to bottled water processing and labeling.
Chemicals from plastic packaging can migrate over time, but the FDA sets conservative limits for the amounts it considers safe for human consumption. Nestlé Waters Lebanon complies with the FDA and LIBNOR’s packaging and health-based regulations.
Our single serve bottles are made from PET plastic. The FDA classifies PET as safe for human use and has authorized its use for decades. PET itself is an inert substance, meaning it migrates very slowly. As long as bottled water is stored at room temperature or cooler it is considered safe for human consumption. It should be consumed before the "best by" date printed on the packaging.