Nestlé (Thai) Ltd.’s Ayutthaya Factory is one of Water factory in Thailand producing Nestlé Pure Life, is processing for Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) certification.

Water is precious. That is why we consider the principles of sustainability when we source, produce and deliver purified water. When we take the time to make choices that include environmental and social aspects, we’re able to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Youth Water Guardian with Nestlé-WWF
Nestlé Waters forms a partnership with the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) for Youth Water Guardian with Nestlé-WWF to teach local children to evaluate and initiate their own project to conserve and improve the quality of water within their community.

Nestlé Pure Life educates consumers on sustainability and recycling across the globe. In Thailand, we launched the “I am doing it” campaign to get Thai children into the habit of not only collecting and sorting plastic bottles for recycling.

World Water Day
Nestlé Pure Life encouraged sustainable environmental preservation by organizing the “Thai Kids Water Heroes” event to celebrate World Water Day, empowering Thai children to be good role models for future generations by teaching them the importance of using water efficiently, the sustainable development of water resources, and water conservation at home and in the community.