1. What should be the daily water consumption for a normal person?
Water in our body lessens due to digestion, perspiration and breathing. What we can say as the main principle is that: The lost water amount should be gained back. During one day, we should take in water at an amount of 1/36 of our body weight. For instance, the water need for a person weighing 72 kgs is minimum 2 liters. Even if we assume that a part of this need is taken by various foods, an adult should drink minimum 1.5 L of water in one day. This quantity is the lowest quantity recommended to adults by nutritionists. Additionally pregnant women should consume even more water. This condition requires the mother to consume more water considering the water transfer between the baby and the mother herself, and a baby consuming approximately 1 L of water in a day. During pregnancy. women carry approximately 8 L more water than they do in a normal period.
2. What is the ideal temperature for drinking water?
The normal drinking temperature of the water is between 5°C.and 20°C.
3. How do I tell the quality of the water I am using?
First of all you should check if the packaged water you are drinking is approved by the Ministry of Health, and if the label contains approval date and number. The label of the water you have bought should include the brand name on it. If the water you have purchased is 19 L, then you should pay attention to the brand label to be on the body (in braille), on the safety closure and on the crown cap Besides, again the label information should include the water type, manufacturing address, the components of the water and the processes performed on it. The manufacture and the expiry dates, batch and serial numbers and the brand logo should be written on the 19 L package in braille. The safety closure shows that you are the first person to open the package.
4. Why should I prefer packaged water?
In accordance to the regulations, packaged waters should be clean and healthy as soon as they appear. You can directly the water directly from the source without a need of any further process. Packaged water assures that the license had been acquired within the regulations of the Ministry of Health, that the water is constantly under inspection and that it does not carry any risks to threaten public health.
5. How should I use packaged water?
a. The water should be kept in a cool temperature (5-15 degrees), in a dark (away from sunlight) and damp (less than %50 moisture) place. Do not keep you packaged water near radiators and under direct sunlight.
b. You should pay attention to the consumption time and the storage conditions.
c. The 19 L water keeps its structure without undergoing any changes for at least 10 days as long as it is stored away from direct sunlight and in a good ventilated clean environment. The 19 L bottle water should also be preserved in a cool and a damp place.
d. Do not put any liquid or solid materials as well as foreign substances in empty 19 L bottles.
e. Do not leave the bottle without the cap if you use your 19 L bottle without a pump or electric fountain.
f. Do not throw away the bottle caps of 19 L bottles. Deliver your empty 19 L bottles corked.
6. In what conditions should we keep the packaged water?
The water should be kept in a cool temperature (5-15 degrees) and in a dark (away from sunlight) and damp (less than %50 moisture) place. Furthermore, the water should be kept as far away as possible from chemicals, detergents, cleaning products, gasoline and similar substances. Because water is a pure substance and it even absorbs the odours that we are not capable of sensing throughout the environment.
7. What are the factors affecting the lifetime of a bottled water?
This question requires a detailed answer. We have to consider three important factors here.
a. The air permeability level of the water package. The type and the thickness of the package determines the air permeability. This indicates if the so-called package will be protective against the odours of external environment. Plastic or 19 L packages are delicate towards the odours of external environment due to their molecular structures.
b. The mineral concentration of water (the water being hard or soft) As the mineral concentration of soft waters is lesser and purer, they absorb the odours in the environment more than the hard ones.
c. Storage conditions: If the proper environmental conditions (clean, damp, odourless, no sunlight) are not provided the water will possibly go bad (foliation, deposition etc.) within few days.
8. What are the differences between city water and packaged drinking water?
There are very important differences between them. The most important ones are;
a. The natural spring water being bottled means that a license had been acquired within the regulation articles of the Ministry of Health regarding the spring water to be filled, that it is under constant inspection and that there is a guarantee as it does not carry any risk towards public health. On the other hand, it is not possible to mention any strong guarantee in such a way for tap water.
b. The natural spring water bottled is in its pure and clean form straight out of the spring. You can drink the water directly from the source without a need of any further process. The pureness and the cleanness of the water is under control during the whole process, from the start where it rises bubbling to the surface of earth, to the moment that it is filled in the bottles by fully automatic machines.
9. What is the difference between natural spring water and processed drinking water?
Natural spring waters are collected in the depths of geologically convenient earth crusts and they flow naturally and constantly beginning from the point of rising to the surface of the earth. Natural spring waters are unmixed and natural waters as their structure have never been interfered by the outside. However, processed drinking waters' chemical structures have been changed by regeneration (ion exchange) or reverse osmosis processes and they are added additives by mineral and salts, flavorings in order to balance the lessened mineral structure by those processes.
10. What are the properties of 19 L packages?
19 L bottles are elastic and suitable for long term use. Their hygiene can be harnessed more easily and they are sanitary in toxicologic means. Even baby bottles are made from the same raw material as 19 L bottles.
11. What are the tips for using 19 L bottle use?
a. Your water is offered in a world standard special 19 L bottles.
b. As polycarbonate bottles are air permeable they can absorb the aromatic odours in the environment. Try to keep the packaged waters away from any environment and food products that can cause negative taste or odours.
c. 19 L bottles are only for natural spring waters and they are impact-sensitive. We advice you to keep your 19 L bottle under control against unseeable little scratches that can occur during delivery and usage or not on carpeted or wooden floors that can be deformed when soaked.
12. What are the effects of 19 L and plastic packages over human health?
a. In consideration of the scientific studies today, the packaging materials produced from plastic resin are safe to use when filling packaged water. A material which is safe for some food may not be preferred because of its components (pH value, gaseity etc.). As being the manufacturers of packaged water, we only use materials that are proven to be safe to use as food packages by scientific authorities in our country as well as in the world and which are tested and approved at our Nestlé Waters laboratories located in France; we do not use non-approved materials except from those.
b. The material samples produced by the package manufacturers as they get production permit from the Ministry of Agriculture are also analyzed by the Ministry.
c. Besides, extensive tests are made in our Research and Development laboratory in France when the packaging materials that contact water are first approved. Non-approved materials are strictly not used in our company.
13. What causes the color difference between 19 L and plastic bottles?
Our plastic bottles are produced from transparent preform. The plastic bottles can be encoloured by adding colorants convenient to their raw material. There are two reasons for the 19 L bottles to be preferably blue. First reason is transmission, meaning the blue color is sunlight refraction sensitive. Because as the bottle volume is large and the consumption time is longer, if it had been transparent, it would have been affected even more by sunlight. Second reason is that the natural color of water consist of blue and blue shades.
14. What is the meaning of the caps of plastic and 19 L bottles to be blue or white?
There aren't any opinions about the color of the caps in The Regulation Concerning Water Intended For Human Consumption. It is important that the cap color matches with nature and water colors in packaging waters in terms of harmony.
15. Why are the shelf lives of 19 L and plastic bottles different from each other?
Generally, the shelf lives of food products are determined by the properties of raw materials, procedure and packaging technology. As natural spring waters are not processed, the packaging is decisive within the shelf life. As the capping methods and the packaging materials differ between 19 L and plastic bottles, their shelf lives are not the same. In plastic packagings the capping technology is suitable for longer shelf life however in 19 L packages this life shortens. The shelf life of 19 L packagings can be 1 year while the plastic packagings can be given a shelf life of 2 years. The shelf life periods that we apply are shorter than these periods. This execution creates positive outcomes in the means of Marketing and Sales. (19 L stay unopened for 2 months, plastic bottles for 1 year) There is no legislation among the shelf lives of the products. They are determined by Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point studies.
16. Why are the 19 L packages have a capacity of 19 L?
The 19 L bottle is evaluated by gallons in the international literature. 1 gallon is 3.8 L. 19 L consists of 5 gallons. (standard measure)
17. How is the number of fillings determined and how much?
Ministry of Health, The Regulation Concerning Water Intended For Human Consumption in accordance with article 31, 19 L bottles can be used for three years or for 75 times beginning from the production date.
18. How to clean the pump?
It is important to often clean and change pumps once in a while to protect the quality of the water. A 19 L water is practical to use, it is used in most homes. So pump cleaning is important for the water life to be as long as possible. These commonly used pumps can cause serious odour and taste decays. The blowers situated in the inner part of the water pumps to be moist most of the time can cause the dust to stick leading to serious contamination. Whenever you feel a bad taste or odour in the water you should immediately change the pump.
19. What is the consumption time for an unwrapped plastic bottle?
The packaged products over 5 liters should be consumed within 3-4 days, and the others within the day especially if there is mouth contact.
20. What is pH?
pH is the measuring unit defining the acidity and alkalinity of a solution. It is measured in a scale of 0 to 14. In the term pH; p is derived from the inverse logarithm's mathematical symbol and H is derived from the chemical formula of hydrogen. pH definition can be the reverse logarithm of hydrogen concentration. If the hydrogen ions of the water increase, the pH value of the water decreases and the water becomes acidic. Vice versa, if the hydrogen ions increase the pH value also increases and the water becomes alkaline. If PH < 7 the environment is acidic. If PH > 7 the environment is alkaline. It can not be lower than 6.5 and greater than 9.5.
21. What are the effects of the pH value of the water we drink to our health?
The doctors can suggest a pH value of 8 or more water for health, yet there isn't any scientific research showing the direct relationship between the pH value of water and human health. There is not any research on pH value to be effective on bone health, cardiovascular diseases, immune system diseases etc.
22. What does the hardness degree mean?
On earth, the water is collected in the clouds after vaporizing and as they return to earth as rain, they dissolve the carbondioxide in the atmosphere and become somewhat acidic. This acidic rain water dissolves the calcium carbonate out of various rock stratums and aquifers. There, this water that carries these dissolved minerals are called hard waters. The hardness degree of a water depends on how much the calcium carbonate dissolves in that water. Similar chemical reactions apply with magnesium sulfate, chloride, silicic acid salt and iron. Yet dissolved calcium carbonate is the most contributing element to the hardness of water.