قنينة نستله بيور لايف 1.5 لتر

الحجم الأفضل للجمعات وسفر والنزهات والوجبات، أو حتى تتبع كمية الماء التي تشربها خلال اليوم.
Not available in multipack. Sold individually.

For drinking at mealtimes with friends, or keeping in the refrigerator for healthy hydration whenever you need it.
Other sizes

اروي عطشك بالحجم الأنسب اينما كنت، إستعملها في وقت الغذاء أو إملأ ثلاجتك بها

Easy-to-pour plastic bottle for drinking at mealtimes with the family, or keeping in the refrigerator for healthy hydration whenever you need it.
- Great for stocking the pantry or going camping, and promoting healthy hydration for the whole family
- With no calories and no sweeteners, water is a smart alternative to sugary drinks
- Consistently clean and great-tasting water with our rigorous 12-step quality process
- Enhanced with light blend of minerals for a refreshingly crisp taste

Plastic bottle for purified hydration throughout the day at work or at home.
- With no calories and no sweeteners, water is a smart alternative to sugary drinks
- Consistently clean and great-tasting water with our rigorous 12-step quality process
- Enhanced with light blend of minerals for a refreshingly crisp taste
- #1 bottled water globally

اروي عطشك بالحجم الأنسب اينما كنت، إستعملها في وقت الغذاء أو إملأ ثلاجتك بها

Easy-to-pour plastic bottle for drinking at mealtimes with the family, or keeping in the refrigerator for healthy hydration whenever you need it.
- Great for stocking the pantry or going camping, and promoting healthy hydration for the whole family
- With no calories and no sweeteners, water is a smart alternative to sugary drinks
- Consistently clean and great-tasting water with our rigorous 12-step quality process
- Enhanced with light blend of minerals for a refreshingly crisp taste

Plastic bottle for purified hydration throughout the day at work or at home.
- With no calories and no sweeteners, water is a smart alternative to sugary drinks
- Consistently clean and great-tasting water with our rigorous 12-step quality process
- Enhanced with light blend of minerals for a refreshingly crisp taste
- #1 bottled water globally